Saturday, June 9, 2012

Family Bale

I must preface my narrative by describing my current situation. Here I am, in my childhood bedroom watching “Metroland” on my wireless device contemplating my own existence. “What have you done with your life? No wonder you’re bored” said Christian Bale’s friend in said film. So is apparent that I am not lounging somewhere enjoying the casualties of the early 20's. I have accepted the economic deficit as an excuse to ignore any “adult” responsibility and therefore am more prepared to tackle the difficult life questions. Tonight: “To Trap a Skunk. Or Just Chill Out and Let Nature Decide.” Now. Now, on to what is supremely important. My backyard skunk friends. After developing quite a relationship with the first skunk who wandered it’s way across my yard (and suddenly becoming concerned whether it lived or faced an untimely death) I have paid special attention to the scented friends in the back corner. As of Tuesday, I was informed that my dear skunk friend had started his/her own family underneath my family shed in the yard (An address will be provided if you wish to forward a ‘congratulations’ card along.) A loud rustling, which I immediately attributed to my fat cat encountering another neighborhood tomcat , first alerted me to the new miracle. Slowly, I approached the fenced area around the Walker shed only to peek over and find flashes of black and white jumping from one leaf to the next. Several days later I heard the rustling again (btw Christian Bale is fighting his old friend in the movie right now. Woah. Did his wife sleep with his best friend? Watch it.) The skunk has suddenly become a family of 4. The skunk family has no aggressive tendency’s (although my dad says it is only a matter of time) and scampers around the grassy area of the yard searching for grub. What is perhaps most impressive to me is the image of Bambi’s good friend Flower which appeared in my “mind’s eye” as the young skunks chased and teased their mother across the yard. Despite lack of aggression on the part of my dear skunk friends and my own fantasy of animated characters “twitterpated”in fields of lavender I must admit: with each skunk approach I hold my breath and anticipate an imminent stink attack while hiding between pool chairs and only breathing when necessary. But, please! Don’t worry! Everything worked out fine for Christian Bale and Emily Watson.

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